Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blown away...

I'm still speechless. This semester has been extremely difficult and over the past few days, I've just been overwhelmed. There have been many tears, much seeking of counsel, and a ton of praying. Tonight I'm watching the clock, waiting til it's time to call my daddy and talk to him. But in the meantime, I have a dear friend here who sat down with me this afternoon, and listened as I told him a little bit about what's going on in my life. I was sitting there thinking "don't cry tough.." just to look up and see tears rolling down his face. That's the second time this week that someone has shed tears for me. This is the body of Christ at work. This is the true, genuine love that Christ exemplified and desires us to communicate to one another. I'm just so blessed to be the recipient of such love and care.
Thank you God!


amy said...

praying for you Grace that you continue to experience God's grace in a vivid way!

Anonymous said...

Be ready when you give your life to God, for he will surely take it... You'll be glad you gave your life to the God of life changing love..
I Love you, Dad