Monday, December 1, 2008

What does this world need?

So a few weeks ago Dave Percy, missionary to Thailand (I believe), spoke in chapel and he said something that really caught my attention. He asked "What do you think one of the greatest needs in the world is?" A million thoughts raced through my mind as I pondered what the greatest need could possibly be. My primary thought was that the world needs Jesus. Dave went on to answer the question. What is one of the world's greatest needs? His answer: Bible translators. A little red flag immediately went up in my head. Now I have a passion for language studies and would love to be a translator in the future....but would that be considered one of the greatest needs? He then went on to say that he wasn't just talking about language translators. We definitely need those who translate word to word, but we also need those who translate The Word into actions! Our lives should be an epistle to be read by all men. Language can be a huge barrier between people, but actions can often speak so much louder than words. I can't tell you how many stories missionaries have told me about ministries that have fallen apart, despite sound teaching and doctrine, because of the poor testimony and lifestyle on the part of those in leadership. As believers we need to realize that the world watches us closely. Our testimony reflects on our Savior. Our testimony and actions should declare the name and character of our God! We may not be fluent in multiple languages. We may not be great orators. We may not have the knowledge or ability to translate the scriptures into obscure dialects. We DO have the knowledge and ability to bring the Scriptures alive in our lives though. Translate those beautiful Words into life! The Word is alive!!! So how about it? Are you ready to be the missionary that God made you to be? Are you ready to be a translator? Open your front door....welcome to the mission field! Lets go!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder to live what we preach.


Anonymous said...

Could you believe if I really was like Him,
If I lived all the words that I said,
If for a change I would kneel down before you
And serve you instead?
Could you believe?

Unknown said...

Good one true. pray i do that in my classroom...

1danblu said...

Come home...
swayeli, M