Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Murder is an ugly, ugly thing.

So....I made my first snowman yesterday.
We had a phenomenal time building him and making him perfect and adorable. I was so proud of him and so so happy. After months and months of me wanting to make a snowman and months and months of being told that the snow wasn't right, Eric finally declared that it was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like that. Luckily, he got the day off of work and we tromped out there and got to work. We slaved over the rolling of the snow and spent time finding the perfect arms. We gave him eyes, a nose, cute buttons, and an amazing smile. I loved him. Then Eric decided that we needed to make a bigger snowman, so off we went across the lawn to work on that. As we worked on it, I saw Don and Alex come running out of the school building with a ketchup bottle............and this is what they did to my perfect little snowman..................

Murder. That's the only word for it. I watched in horror as they decapitated my snowman. There was blood everywhere. I can still hear their cruel laughing, the mocking of the evil crowd that watched the ordeal through the window. I'm scarred for life. Therapy begins on Thursday.


1danblu said...

That hurt my heart. Tell them your mom says that's not funny.

leililan said...

ahhh... eric....

leililan said...

oh... and tell me how therapy goes. i hear they have good breathing exercises for when you hear the evil laughter in your head again...

aj said...

oh the horror... murderers indeed poor frosty's 2nd cousin twice removed.
wow i miss playing in snow.. lucky and ahem about this eric.. huh.